¿Qué le pasa a los globos de helio con el frío?

When exposed to cold temperatures, helium balloons can shrink and become brittle. Helium is a gas, so it naturally expands when it is warm and contracts when it is cold. When the gas inside a balloon cools, it occupies less space and causes the balloon to shrink. This phenomenon is especially noticeable with helium balloons because helium is much lighter than air and therefore has a more noticeable effect on the balloon.

What Happens to Helium Balloons in the Cold?

When helium balloons are exposed to cold temperatures, the gas inside the balloon contracts and the balloon shrinks. The temperature at which this occurs depends on the type of balloon and the amount of helium inside. Generally, helium balloons will start to shrink at temperatures below 60°F (15°C). The colder it is, the more the balloon will shrink. The balloon will also become more brittle and may eventually burst.

How to Prevent Helium Balloons from Shrinking in the Cold

The best way to prevent helium balloons from shrinking in the cold is to keep them indoors. If the balloons must be outdoors, then they should be brought inside when temperatures start to drop. If this is not possible, then the balloons should be covered with a blanket or other insulating material to protect them from the cold.

What to Do If Helium Balloons Have Already Shrunk

If helium balloons have already shrunk due to exposure to cold temperatures, there are a few things that can be done. The first is to warm them up. This can be done by bringing them indoors and allowing them to warm up slowly, or by using a hairdryer or heat gun to gently warm them up. If the balloons are still too brittle to use, then they can be replaced with new ones.


Helium balloons can shrink and become brittle when exposed to cold temperatures. To prevent this from happening, helium balloons should be kept indoors or covered with an insulating material when outdoors. If helium balloons have already shrunk due to cold temperatures, then they can be warmed up or replaced with new ones.


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