¿Cómo hacer un globo irrompible?

When it comes to making sure that your kids have a great time during their birthday party, having an irresistible balloon is always a must. But, you don’t want to just buy any old balloon that can easily pop, you want to get something that is unbreakable and will last for a long time. Here is how you can make an unbreakable balloon that will be a hit at your kid’s party.

Step 1: Gather the Materials

The materials you need to make an unbreakable balloon are quite simple. All you need is some clear plastic wrap, a balloon, and a few tools such as scissors and a hole punch. You can find these items at any local store or online.

Step 2: Prepare the Balloon

Before you start wrapping the balloon, you need to make sure it is ready. Start by blowing up the balloon to the desired size and then tie it off. Once the balloon is tied, use the hole punch to make a few holes around the neck of the balloon. This will help the plastic wrap stick to the balloon.

Step 3: Wrap the Balloon

Now it’s time to start wrapping the balloon. Start by cutting a piece of plastic wrap that is slightly larger than the balloon. Place the plastic wrap over the balloon and make sure that it is tightly secured. Start at the neck of the balloon and work your way down, making sure to cover all areas of the balloon. Once the balloon is completely covered, use the scissors to trim off any excess plastic wrap.

Step 4: Secure the Wrap

Once the balloon is completely wrapped, it’s time to secure the plastic wrap. Use the hole punch to make a few more holes around the neck of the balloon and then use some string or twine to tie it off. Make sure that the string is tied tight so that the plastic wrap does not come undone.

Step 5: Enjoy the Unbreakable Balloon

Once the balloon is completely secured, it’s ready to be enjoyed! This unbreakable balloon will be a hit at your kid’s birthday party and will last for a long time. Just make sure to keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t accidentally get popped!


  • Be sure to use clear plastic wrap for the best results.
  • If you want to add some extra flair, try using colored plastic wrap or adding some decorations to the balloon.
  • To make the balloon even more durable, you can add an extra layer of plastic wrap.


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